

@lbing 哥辛苦了,这些会议平台做好了,还是很重要的

@lbing 嗯嗯,咱们学着别人怎么做的,先小范围试着做起来看看

@lbing 以后咱也搞个国际平台的会议啊🤣

秋水 boosted

Dear young researchers,

We are pleased to announce that the 17th International Conference for Young Researchers in Psychology (JSJC 2022) will take place on Friday December 2, 2022.

The JSJC will be held as an online conference via Zoom to ensure the participation of early-career scientists across national and linguistic borders. This event aims to promote exchanges between young researchers from all fields of psychology. All presentations, talks, and workshops will be given in English. The full details of this event are available at the following address:
psitec.univ-lille.fr/jsjc/ (English website coming soon)

The call for abstracts is now open and the deadline for submission is set to September 23, 2022. You can submit your abstract via the following website: app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages

Do not hesitate to forward this call for abstracts within your laboratory and to all people likely to be interested in this event.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The team of the 17th JSJC
Isabel Casso, Camille Legrain, Laurine Milville, Alexandra Struyf, Andres von Schnehen
supported by Guillaume Gimenes et Désirée Lopis.


@lbing 没事的哥,如果哥需要的话,可以直接转的,然后,就请哥帮我开个账户,欧元存在银行活期就好了

@lbing 哥,我这审批学校还没通过,他奶奶的

@lbing 哥给我来一份一样的,加瓶啤酒,哈哈哈哈

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